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By Hand and Heart: Valentine Making & Exhibit + brief annual business meeting

Thursday January 30, 2020 7:00-9:00pm

presented by the Book Arts Guild & University of Washington Libraries

It’s makers night for the Book Arts Guild! Valentine makers, that is: the old fashioned cut and paste way. Get a head start on sharing the love & enjoy some time with your BAG friends.

Our event will begin with a brief annual business meeting to elect this year’s BAG Board. You’ll also have a chance to explore an exhibit of historic valentines from Special Collections.

Then, comes the hands on. Whether you're inspired by lovely Victorian valentine confections, pop-ups and paper engineered declarations of passion, or a streamlined modern aesthetic of platonic love, this is the place for you.

Paper and glue sticks will be provided, as well as witty conversation, creative support and strong feelings on the importance of paper grain direction.

You bring:

your own scissors, hand tools, etc.

extra scrap decorative paper, collageables, thread, stencils, etc. to share with the group

your inspiration

(For housekeeping reasons, NO glitter or super glittery paper please!)

Everyone deserves a valentine. Come and create some with us.


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