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Every Detail Matters: Cataloging Artists' Books - Nov 2022

with Mary Mathiason

Thursday November 10, 2022, 7:00pm PST

online presentation for the Book Arts Guild

Watch a recording of this presentation HERE.

Libraries can provide unparalleled access to book arts in their collections, and the library catalog is key to discovering and documenting these works. This presentation will describe what information book artists and other creators should provide to make an accurate and detailed catalog record of their work. The talk should interest those who are curious about the workings of libraries as well as book artists whose work is held within them.

Mary Mathiason recently retired from a 48-year career as cataloger for the University of Washington Libraries, including a specialty in book arts and rare books. Through that work, Mary established many subject and genre headings that were adopted nationally. She and her protégés are responsible for creating the records for most of the items in the Book Arts Collection.


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